Hubble Space Telescope: Eyes Away From Earth

The Pillars of Creation D o you think that we can see nearby or far planets, stars and galaxies with our small household telescopes or the giant ones on top of mountains. No we can’t. Do you know why? Well it is because of our atmosphere. Even though our atmosphere provides us with safety from UV and Infrared rays, the atmosphere blurs out a lot of stars and galaxies. So to resolve this issue, mankind developed its first telescope that would be placed outside the atmosphere. This telescope is the famous Hubble Space Telescope. The Hubble Space Telescope was launched on April 24 1990. For the past 31 years, the Hubble Space Telescope has been providing us with images of objects that we never imagined existed. Lyman Spitzer Just after WW2, Lyman Spitzer, an American Physicist proposed the idea of a telescope which would operate in the Space and would avoid the blurring of our atmosphere. His document was called the 'Advantages of an Extraterrestrial Observatory'. It to...