Dyson Sphere


Dyson Sphere Part 1

If we look at today’s world we notice a lot of things. Some people are dying, some are living too much. So technically the world is out of balance and the balance needs to be restored. To do that we need to keep every human on earth Happy, Kind and safe and to do that we need resources and energy. However, we don’t have lot of both of them and that is why the population is suffering.


First of all, we need energy and that is limited. We have many options. We will look at the pros and cons.

1.       Hydroelectricity – Provides a lot of energy. Con – Often dangerous and if the dam is broken the river can cause floods.

2.       Solar energy – Provides a lot of energy and is renewable. Con – The solar panels are difficult to install and are not always affordable.

3.       Nuclear energy – Clean and very resourceful. Con – Super expensive and very dangerous, may cause mutations. We don’t want Godzilla!

So, we have reviewed many options but the con is often dangerous. So are we out of options? No we aren’t we still have another option and this comes with the hella hundos. That is right; I am talking about the DYSON SPHERE. It is a mega structure built around a star to harness a lot of its energy and how much energy do you think our sun can provide us with. 1% of the sun can last us for trillions of years. So that part is easy to show off. But it ain’t that easy. There are many images about the structures of the Dyson Sphere. I have used 2 sources –

Source 1 – Kurzgesagt in a nutshell – By the way, love that channel. A structure there is encompassing the entire sun. But I had an argument. To build that we need many resources but my choice was to find resources by making the Dyson Sphere. So I devised another method.

Source 2 – Myself – We need to keep in mind at what radius to place the plates, what material to make them of and how to place them. We needn’t encompass the entire star we just need to make a double ring around the sun and energy stations near them.  These energy stations will bring the energy back to earth via..... (Not so sure yet). The plates need to be at least 1km2 each so 1km * 1km is quite difficult. To that we need a flexible metal that is easily found on earth. So the first option is aluminium(Al). The plates can go to the sun in the shape of an umbrella but without the handle. But we need to keep in mind the melting point of the material which in this case is approx. 679 0C. Since the sun’s surface temperature is 6500 0C. So we need to place the plates at least 1 million miles far from the surface of the sun.

Now the transportation part I will tell in another blog till then stay well...

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  1. Very nicely written...kept me spell bounded till the last line.... please come up with the second part soon. God bless you...Happy writing!

  2. Very imaginative and probably achievable with improvements in technology.

  3. Fiction of today , science of tomorrow... keep dreaming.

  4. Very well written....god bless you...

  5. Nice perspective, would definitely like to hear more on this!

  6. Very well articulated...god bless

  7. It is a very well written thought. It's also appreciable that the present generation is far ahead of us. God Bless and God Speed to your imagination and thoughts Dear Zoro.

  8. Good one !! Keep Thinking,you will find a way.

  9. Need of the hour...eagerly waiting for sequel

  10. Very well researched & intriguing... Looking forward for the next part ... eagerly....

  11. Excellent analysis... The very thought of identifying a problem revolving around energy provisioning, and rightly thinking up a potential solution by using knowledge gained on your own! Amazing to see the thought process and the inquisitive mind behind it... You have a very good command over the language and your sequencing, and logical mind steaks out in its augment! Kudos, Zorawar... We are waiting for the next episode which will unravel more...

  12. This is interesting and very well articulated. Look forward to more insights on this. All the best.

  13. Very nicely written .Such deep thoughts at this age reflects true understanding of concepts and writing thoughts with such clarity also calls for praises .Keep it up boy .

  14. Very well drafted and informative too.
    Keep up the good work..
    Looking forward to more such write ups from you.

  15. Very well written n very informative...great going at this age such clearity.. amazing.

  16. Very nice idea Zorawar. Blown away by your genuineness and extra-ordinary thought process. Explained with utmost clarity. Eagerly waiting for the 2nd part.....


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