Kardashev Scale


Kardashev Scale

One of many topics in science fiction is Aliens. How do we know how advanced Aliens are? Well, we don’t. We don’t know who aliens are; where they live and how do we reach to them. To know how advanced they are we use the KARDASHEV SCALE. This method was proposed by Soviet Astronomer Nikolai Kardashev.

The Kardashev Scale is used to measure any civilization’s technological advancement. It has 5 stages -

Stage 1- This stage is when the civilization has gained absolute complete control over their planet’s resources. We would all think that we are at Stage 1, but we are not. We have not yet gained complete control. We have yet to make flying cars, rockets that can travel to the Mars with people in it etc. We are currently at Stage 0.75 as we have harnessed most of our Earth’s energy.

Stage 2- This stage is when the civilization has gained complete control of their solar system and have created a Dyson Sphere and are using its energy to venture beyond the solar system and looking for other civilizations. It may take us at least 100 or 200 years to be a Stage 2 civilization.

Stage 3- This stage is when the civilization has gained complete control of their galaxy and are building more Dyson Spheres and Stellar engines (just a brief definition – Stellar engines are machines used to transport stars. With the stars go their solar system. We won’t go very far in detail yet). Now we have incredible power and can dodge nearby supernovas and collisions. We also have exhausted the other planets in our solar system of their resources. So we are mining asteroids, exoplanets and meteors.

This looks very promising, but wait, there is more -

Stage 4- This stage is when the civilization has gained complete control of their UNIVERSE and are building Dyson Spheres in every solar system they go to, building stellar engines for important stars and have the power of containing and extracting power from BLACK HOLES. Now we know many civilizations and have been elected to be the representative of their universe. Boy o Boy. We are now planning to attack other universes and control them. An inter-universal war has broken.

Stage 5- The inter-universal war has ended and we have prevailed. We learnt some secrets and now have the power to create and control universes. The Chancellor sits on the Stellar ship which takes our solar system with us wherever we go. We have the ability to terra form planets and convert them to habitable ones. We have learnt to increase a star and black hole’s life. We don’t have to worry about any universal crunch or black hole explosion. We know how to warp in space and keep our universe as the headquarters for our MULTIVERSE.

Hope you enjoyed this sci-fiction, nonfiction blog. If we use our brains we can do anything. Thank you for reading. Next Article – How to Create An Inter-Universal Civilization.

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  1. Very interesting. Please elaborate Stellar engines in your next blog.

  2. Great Going. It was a new topic to me with 30 years of studies

  3. Very Interesting topic rarely written about .....want to read more about it and waiting for ur next blog

  4. That's a very good way of spreading your knowledge! And it was a really nice n good blog! Keep up the good work!

  5. Shiv Shankar Very interesting topic nice

  6. Very well explained,
    Zorawar keep it up.

    1. Very well explained Zorawar. Keep up the good work

  7. Nicely done. Good research. Would like to hear more

  8. Makes a very interesting read about an unknown and unimaginable topic. First you dream, then work and then achieve. Make the impossible also imaginable and then achievable. Keep it up.

  9. Beautifully articulated, keep writing Zorawar.

  10. Keep going kid!!! its so much fun to read your blogs!!

  11. Keep writing!! Thankx for giving us knowledge about new things.

  12. Interesting read 👍👍👍keep it up👍

  13. Interesting read 👍👍👍keep it up👍

  14. Well this is a theory which has mention in the Sikh holy Book the Granth Saab as aak akas lakh akas. Good show to the author

  15. Diversified interests...zoro...really impressive....totally different topic from last one....keep it up...

  16. It is really interesting, I was not aware of any such thing..waiting for ur next blog...

  17. Superb yaar.....Enlightening.....

  18. Interesting..great going champ

  19. Very nice. Go ahead. Really impressive.

  20. Well thtz quite a learning for me👍👍

  21. Excellent elaboration kid. It was all new thing for me. Keep it up

  22. Great going my boy.

    Very well written!

  23. Superb zorro..very different topic.

  24. It was great experience reading a topic that is so extraordinary.👍👍👏👏

  25. Lovely article by young blogger, keep it up

  26. Very interesting and knowledgeable

  27. Great Zorawar! Unbelievable in such a tenant age. Keep it on. Best wishes.

  28. Very well explained....
    Amazing information...

  29. Wow well done zoravar...indeed there is so much in space out there n its commendable to see younger generation like you developing interest and discussing and imagining the future scientific feats...very informative blog...

  30. Wow....never knew about this. Hence proved that whenever we feel we have reached a dead end or whenever we feel we have given our 100%...it's time to review and find other options and put in another 200%....cos there is no end to potential and possibilities. Well done Zoravar...very inspiring and an interesting read....keep writing!!!

  31. Very lucid and beautifully written. Inspiring Zorro, keep the good work going. All the best for all your future endeavours.

  32. Excellent article by little Zorawar....After reading this, I realize that we are two generations behind.... Congratulations Aman for being a mother to such a talented child.

  33. Well done zorawar ...Interesting topic ... keep it up champ

  34. Very interesting. A completely new topic for me.
    Keep up the good work. Waiting for the next blog.👍😊

  35. Wow......really njoyed reading and imagining.
    Best wishes 👏👏☺

  36. Such an interesting article. Well reserched.

  37. Very interesting...
    Well done 👍

  38. Keep going ...All the very best
    Very well written....

  39. Really very interesting..
    Keep it up Zoro👌🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  40. Keep it up Zorawar. Bless you.

  41. Really appreciable, keep writing...Good luck Zoravar👍..

  42. Great work ...keep going ..Good luck Zoravar..
    Padam Dhiman

  43. This is a good read.. keep up the good work.. well humanity may reach stage 2 in your lifetime .. so look out for that

  44. Good read,I totally believe in aliens and have read a lot about them but found something new in your article.

  45. Great writeup Zorawar. Learned something new today

  46. intersting read..
    We are still not in Stage 1☺

  47. lmao copied from kurzegat and didn't even bother giving some credit or citing their work. The level to which some people fall is hilarious

    1. Dear reader, thanks for reading my articles. I have not copied from anywhere. I take my info from various sources such as Kurzgesagt, Medium, Riddle, What if and Crash Course. I have also credited Kurzgesagt in the first article. If you have not read it, I have put the link below. Thanks for reading my article.



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