Black Holes. From Life to Death

In the previous articles we have discussed about, interstellar travel, Dyson spheres and the Kardashev scale.

Have you ever imagined what black holes are? Black Holes are basically super gravity vortexes formed after the death of a big star at least 8 times the mass of the Sun. Black holes are the most powerful objects in the whole universe. They have a ground breaking gravity of the speed of light. They can devour literally anything. A black hole is made up of 2 parts. The event horizon and the singularity. The event horizon is the part of the black hole which devours everything. The singularity is where all the devoured material goes to. The black hole has an interesting gravity. The gravity it applies on the side of the object facing it is a million times the gravity applied on the opposite side. The largest black hole in the universe is TON – 618. It has a diameter of 390 Billion Kilometres which is 1/3rd of a light year. Black holes are so strong that they don’t even let light escape. If you are ever trying to escape from a black hole, you need to travel faster than the speed of light, which is theoretically impossible. If a black hole the size of a penny existed on Earth, it would devour the Earth in a fraction of a second.

Now let’s go through the process of a star to a black hole. Stars are powered by Nuclear Fusion. The Star constitutes of Hydrogen. This Hydrogen fuses to form Helium. We don’t have to worry as our Sun won’t turn into a black hole because it is small and light. In stars like sun Hydrogen fuses to form Helium. When the sun would be nearing its end, it would get hotter and fuse Helium into Carbon. In stars like our sun, Carbon is the last product of fusion in light stars. In big and heavy stars, the process goes further. In such big stars carbon fuses further into Oxygen. This oxygen fuses into Neon. Neon fuses into Magnesium and Oxygen. The Magnesium fuses into Silicon. The Silicon fuses into Iron and Iron is bad. When Iron is formed, the core temperature is 2 Billion Co. The core starts contracting and it lets go off with a ginormous blast. This blast is called a Supernova. Along with the supernova comes a black hole.

We don’t need to worry about a black hole devouring our solar system as the nearest black hole to our Solar System is at the centre of our galaxy. The centre of our galaxy is 27000 light years far away thus the black hole will never reach us. Every galaxy in the universe has a super massive black hole at its centre. Literally, our whole galaxy revolves around this black hole. The diameter of a black hole can tell us how fast we can be devoured. The smaller the black hole, the faster we get devoured.

There still is a lot to tell about Black Holes.

Even Black Holes die. A strange phenomenon was foretold by British Physicist Stephen Hawking. Black Holes die an extremely slow process called Hawking Radiation. In Hawking Radiation 10-100 % of a black hole evaporates in thousands of years. In our universe there are particles everywhere. These particles keep on separating. Such particles are also at the event horizon of a black hole. These particles separate too. 1 half goes into the black hole and the other escapes and becomes a real particle. This process goes on until everything is dead in the universe.

Black Holes are the core of our universe. We are completely dependent on the Super-Massive black hole in the centre of our galaxy for the rotation and revolution of our Sun. If we don't move in our galaxy, we won't be able to find other interstellar - civilizations. Thank you for reading my article. Next article - Wormholes.

Old articles -

1. Stellar engines

2.  How to start an Inter-Universal Civilization Part-2

3. How to start an Inter Universal Civilization Part-1

4. Kardashev Scale

5. Dyson Sphere a Bit Further

6. Dyson Sphere


  1. Very well done Zoro Bhaiya (Manu)

  2. Ur blogs r amazing Zohrawar . Keep going 👍

  3. Awesome work Zorawar. Amazing learning through these blogs😊

  4. It's Good that u enlightened us Zoro, that the black hole pertaining to our galaxy is 27000 light years away. Feeling safe!!!🙂....Looking forward for Wormholes

  5. Intriguing and informative .... Enjoyed reading... Keep it up .... Looking forward for wormholes ....

  6. Thankyou for enlighting us Zoro .

  7. well done young astronomers.
    Good insight.

  8. Superb! Wonderful insight about the Black holes..
    Looking forward to your next write up! on Worm holes👍
    Great going!

  9. Best written article. And black holes are such an interesting topic. Generates so much intrigue.
    Keep writing. Write and write and write.

  10. Very Well written zorawar ....keep writing

  11. Very nice and informative... Keep educating us with such interesting facts

  12. Very well written dear.

    Keep it up

  13. Well-done zorawar ...keep posting such a beautiful blogs it

  14. I just loved reading it and I think U should start VLogs.

  15. Amazing Blog Zorawar......amazed by your passion for the subject.....keep on it and keep pursuing it

  16. Informative write up..
    Is light affected by Gravitational pull of black hole?


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