
Wormholes, what are they? When you hear such a word, you see a worm creating a hole in an apple. Well today’s blog is different. Wormholes are hypothetical portals linking two points in space time. Won’t it be so exciting to see one and go through one? Yes, it would. Lets explore them. Currently they only exist on paper. But for the future, we have white listed three types. In the end I will also explain about a wormhole designed by me.

The three types are –

1.       Einstein – Rosen bridges – Einstein Rosen Bridges are basically portals. It is believed that these types of wormholes were basically black holes opening into white holes. Oh sorry, we have not discussed white holes. A white hole is another powerful object in our universe which does the opposite of a black hole. Instead of eating stuff, it spews energy. Now back to topic, these wormholes open into another planet, Galaxy or even a Universe. Now that is a flaw. Trying to go through one would take many years and we would be dead by then. Such wormholes can potentially close while going through them, killing us in an instant. Thus, ERBs are not ideal for travelling.

2.       Travelable Wormholes – Ever felt so lazy that you don’t even want to go to the bathroom that is just 5 metres far. Presenting Travelable Wormholes. These wormholes sound convenient. We can travel from house to house, city to city, country to country and planet to planet. Now these again have a flaw. These wormholes need incredible power to keep them open. If we try going through one, we will be squashed and spagghetified  in a second. Thus these wormholes are also not viable.

3.       Man-Made Wormholes – The name suggests that these Wormholes are Man-Made. If we even try to create one, we wouldn’t be able to keep it open. To keep it open we need a very strange material. This material is called Exotic Matter. Exotic Matter is this strange substance that defies all laws of physics and has negative mass. Since it has negative mass, no particle or object would ever try to socialize with it. This is like creating a next to impossible task. If we even find exotic matter, how will we arrange to pick it up or carry it? It is like talking to an alien in our language. Another flaw. How are we supposed to open a portal in the first place? Again Man Made -Wormholes are not likely to be chosen as the perfect one.

Now I have devised another wormhole with a different principle. I call it Cyber-Wormhole.

Cyber Wormhole - My wormhole works on the principle of emails. Emails are like little packets of information travelling to their desired location at the speed of light. Now I propose to convert us humans or other objects into such similar packets and send them through the universe way faster than the speed of light. Let’s go through the whole process. We first need to create a cyber highway in our universe which will take thousands of years and tons and tons and tons and tons of resources. The cyber highway needs to be completely secure without any leakage, or a glitch. The cyber highway will have guards posted on every 1 km gap to inspect the highway every quarter day. Now part 2, disintegrating humans into packets of light won’t be an easy task. We need to compress a human to such a small size, so that he/she doesn’t explode or turn into a black hole. The travelling at a speed faster than light is theoretically impossible and physicists around the world are working on it.

Humanity has been researching over a long time, to discover or develop a wormhole. Theories suggests that some black holes are just wormholes in disguise. Exposing the perfect amount of gamma radiation would probably reveal its true identity. Studies suggest that we can also create a wormhole out of scratch but that wormhole would be very unstable thus we need exotic matter and as we already discussed, it is impossible to obtain. 

So as we have seen, no wormhole is perfect and finding the perfect idea will take time. So stay tuned and read every blog of mine. Next article – Our Solar System.

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  1. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  2. Futuristic n fantastic reading... keep it up ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  3. Unbelievable๐Ÿ‘จ‍๐Ÿ’ป

  4. Good one Zoro. Keep it up!!!๐Ÿ‘.

  5. Nice ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  6. Very nice Beta ......keep it up!!

  7. Very informative...๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  8. Very informative...๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


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