Boötes Void

My father’s friend after reading my Black Holes blog suggested that I should write my blog on the Boötes Void. So, fellow readers, my next blog will be a combination of two blogs. So what is the Boötes Void?  And why does it sound so mysterious?

The Boötes Void is literally a void. A void is basically empty space and nothing else. Unlike normal voids, the Boötes Void has a few galaxies. The Boötes Void is considered the largest void or empty space in the Universe. It has a diameter of 330 Million light-years. Just for reference, the Milky Way only has a diameter of 100,000 light-years. The Boötes Void is 700 Million light-years far from the Earth. The Boötes Void was discovered by a Harvard Professor Robert Kirshner in 1981. This discovery brought terror to astronomers across the world. The Boötes void is literally the largest object in the universe. Just close your eyes and imagine you can move at the speed of light. If you are at the edge of the Boötes void, it will take you 330 Million years to go across the Boötes void without meeting any heavenly object at all. Due to its huge size, it is also called the Great Void.

There are many theories explaining this emptiness’s existence.

Theory 1 – This theory suggests that a Kardashev Scale 3 civilization is destroying stars and galaxies in the Boötes Void. This is the link for my blog on the Kardashev Scale if you are not familiar with it

This theory is suggesting alien life’s existence. The civilization is using the stars and galaxies for power and is exhausting the heavenly bodies off their power. This theory according to me is very unstable because they would have been faster in doing so and there is no proof of alien life yet.

Theory 2 (which is more likely) – This theory was developed by astronomer Greg Aldering. This theory suggests that there were many smaller voids that merged together to form this giant void. This theory is quite stable because there are many voids and their chances of colliding are very likely.

Theory 3 (this theory is both stable and unstable) – This theory suggests that another neighboring universe collided with our universe and created a huge hole in our Universe. This theory is related to the Multiverse theory. The multiverse is like a universe of universes. There are many parallel universes in the Multiverse. This theory is possible but not practical. The Boötes void is super cold. This suggests that for such cooling to take place, the Universe should have been way older, older than 13.8 Billion years.

Another theory (although not related to Boötes Void) – A group of scientists in 2013 proposed a theory that the Milky Way and many other galaxies are part of another colossal void. This void is called the KBC void. The scientists also propose that this void is larger than the Boötes Void,

Astronomers all around the world have discovered more voids are worried that the voids will sooner or later reach Earth. But, these voids are millions of light-years far away and we don’t have to worry about them. The Boötes Void is also expanding, but its expansion is so subtle that we don’t notice anything.

So, guys, you have finished reading my double article. Hope you enjoyed it. Do support me on your social media handles by tweeting or posting this blog so that more people read it.


  1. Good facts quoted. Nice post

  2. Interesting read. would love to read more.

  3. 330 million years to cross it.....phew....another interesting read Mr What👍

  4. Good informative post... great Zorawar

  5. Grt champ and very informative.

  6. Another good post by you.
    Keep posting such informative stuff.
    Looking fwd to your next post!

  7. Well covered and very well explained. Keep it up......

  8. Dear Zorawar...A very fine and well researched post by you dear. Thanks and keep educating us. Well done

  9. It feels like my eyes are closed n its happening right there like a detailed and clear flow of the writing.

  10. Your blog subjects are intriguing and the way you put them across draws one in the subject. Good going buddy keep writing!!!!

  11. From where you get these facts, very interesting and shows your interest which benefits us too. Keep going.

  12. Very informative.... keep it up...

  13. A young researcher and scholar in making. Nice work Zorawar. Keep it up.

  14. Very informative & well researched. Keep it up

  15. Very informative & well researched. Keep it up

  16. Very interesting and well written.. enjoyed reading.

  17. Thoroughly enjoyed your appreciable writing skills.

  18. very interested topic..It was a new thing for me.
    Well written. Love to read your articles

  19. My man copied his first two blogs stellar eingenes and how to colonize the universe fully from kurzegat which is yt channel by the way. And now this one is copied from phobes media and other small channels. I am baffled that this blogger is not even providing any credit to the youtubers and if hypothetically he is providing original content then I would appreciate that he shared all of the links for his research.

    1. Dear reader, thanks for reading my articles. I have not copied from anywhere. I take my info from various sources such as Kurzgesagt, Medium, Riddle, What if and Crash Course. I have also credited Kurzgesagt in the first article. If you have not read it, I have put the link below. Thanks for reading my article.

    2. Ridddle -

    3. i think writing your own blog is basically about doing your own research rather than using some yt video's contents and their concepts. And it steals the essence of blogging. btw the blogs mentioned above look like complete rip-off's of the kurzegat videos. As all of the different models used are from kurzegat. Even the wording is quite similar to the videos.

  20. Very well researched & written on an interesting topic which i never read before.Well done Zorawar & keep blogging

  21. Great going.....very very interesting and knowledgeable....


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