Terraforming Sagan: A Beautiful Future

In the previous article, we discussed how to terraform Sagan. In this article, we will go a step further.

You might be pretty happy about terraforming Sagan a little in the last article. Well, ' pauses dramatically' we are not even halfway done yet. So now we have waited an eternity for the planet's atmosphere to get drained of poisonous gases. In this article, we will discuss the proper formation of Sagan's atmosphere and crust.

The planet is now 95% clean as some toxic gases are left in a tiny fraction. We also need to now start adding Oxygen in larger quantities as bacteria is not fast alone. What we are about to do now will decide the future of humanity. Keep in mind that the atmosphere has been drained by the hard work of dozens and dozens of generations. One misstep and we have spoiled centuries of hard work. Such mistakes include moving the planet slightly far from its star. The noxious gases might emerge again or improperly predict the path of an asteroid and the asteroid colliding with the planet. 

The planet just needs a whole layer of soil that is all, no biggy (sarcasm)! So far the bacteria were surviving in the water and the oxygen produced by them was quite measly. We need to start adding trees and plants. Let's start by creating the layer of soil. For this, we need huge amounts of rocks with sufficient nutrients like nitrogen, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, and traces of metals and we also need humus.

Let's start with the rocks. Bringing rocks won't be a big issue. There will be various asteroids, moons, and planets to collect resources from. Then we need to make the rocks into very very very very fine powder. This will be done with several complex grinders which will hopefully do the take quick and easily.

Now Humus is a major issue. The leftovers of the food of workers are very less. Probably they brought some animals like chickens and cows. Chickens for meat and cows for milk. The eggshells and the corpses of living beings can be used to make the humus. I know this sounds disgusting and inhumane but it is necessary.

Yay, we have created the soil. Although we forgot something huge, very huge. How are we supposed to plant the trees if we don't have any seeds or saplings?

Luckily I came up with a theory of my own called Carbon Drawing (I swear this is my own theory, I have not used anybody else's.) I understand that there are various objects made of Carbon. Each object has its own structure

Allotropy is the property of some chemical elements to exist in two or more different forms. Carbon can exist in the form of coke, graphite, and diamond naturally. What we need to do is program a board (which we can customize) to create a cell of any possible living object using Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen. We need to draw their chemical structure and we should obtain a cell of the required living object.

Once we receive the cell, we need to genetically engineer the DNA (which we have got from our leftovers or the plant farm) to use as little Carbon Dioxide and Water as possible. We also need the cell to spontaneously replicate. The Cells will create tissues and the tissues will create the plant or tree.

We also need to set a limit somehow as to how many cells can replicate. These man-made trees need to have all the features of a normal tree-like food making, oxygen production, and reproduction.

Once we receive the saplings or samples of the tree, we can start planting them all over the planet. The trees will take decades to grow to their maximum height. Over a century, Sagan will be transformed from a brown-blue planet to a green-blue planet like Earth. Note - It will take decades or centuries for the atmosphere to have an Earth-like atmosphere.

Yay, we have fully terraformed Sagan. Its pressure and temperature are normal, gravity is similar to Earth's, it is drained of poisonous gases and you can breathe easily.

In a coming article, we will discuss the route to Sagan, how many passengers, the type of spacecraft. Basically, we will discuss what to do to populate Sagan

Thank you, have a nice day.


  1. Nice read....Zoro....I wish things can happen this way. Keep it up!!!

  2. I am really awed the way u think.. really genius. I am looking forward for your next article.. one can see the passion in ur article.. keep it up..

  3. Hi Zoro thx for the wonderful read..........your passion for knowledge is highly appreciated

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. impressive zorawar..
    I could know lot from your writeup.

  6. In depth study indeed, Zorawar. Good luck for future.

  7. It is indeed a very well written article.


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